vogelのChina and Japan: Facing Historyを読み始める(その8)


For the first time in their shared history there was a reversal in the one-way flow of culture from China to Japan.

Vogel (2019)

He was able to procure funding to establish a translation bureau with the grand aim of translating 7,750 Japanese titles into Chinese. How many of these books were eventually translated is unclear; we know only that Kang contracted with a young Japanese freelancer to translate Japanese legal codes.

Kang Youweiの日本から学ぼうという姿勢が分かる。

Kano is known today as the founder of the Kodokan school of judo,


but they essentially encountered the same sorts of problems again and again: competition from other foreigners trying to exert influence, uncertain signals from their own government, a slow-acting, technically inexperienced Chinese bureaucracy, and the messiness of late-Qing politics. The latter complication worsened in the post-Boxer years, as various groups, Han and Manchu, liberal and conservative, struggled for power in an increasingly unstable China.

コストの面やWester Powerから距離をおくメリットなどのため,日本から多くのことを学ぼうと一度はした。服部 宇之吉の功績は大きい。けれども,羲和団の乱以降,清政府の姿勢が変わったことにより1909年1月には大学で教える日本人は日本に帰ってしまった。


acquiescing 黙認
apprised 知らせる
unabashed まごつかない 平然とした
Zhang Zhidong 張 之洞(ちょう しどう)
Liu Kunyi 劉 坤一(りゅう こんいつ)
Kang Youwei メモ康 有為(こう ゆうい)
condescension 謙遜
Exhortation 奨励
edicts 勅令
fathom 深さを測る
rescinded 廃止 撤回
Sun Yat-sen 孫 文(そん ぶん)
interceded 嘆願
figurehead 名目上の長
congenial 適した
ascribe AをBのせいにする
Boxers 義和団の乱
palatable おいしい
retribution 報復
disparaged 軽んじる
gladdened 喜ばせる
rote learning 丸暗記
sericulture 養蚕
stint 割り当てられた仕事
shambles 混乱状態
begrudging ねたむ
gendarmerie 憲兵
Liang Qichao 梁 啓超(りょう けいちょう)
scathing 容赦ない 痛烈な
restive 御しにくい
Revolutionary Alliance (Tongmenghui) 中国同盟会


Vogel, Ezra F. 2019. China and Japan: Facing History. Harvard University Press.