vogelのChina and Japan: Facing Historyを読み始める(12)

第6章 台湾と満州の植民地化(おわりの方)

Vogel (2019)

But by the late 1930s, as the Japanese right wing was killing political leaders who opposed them and the Japanese military was establishing firm control over the national government, the vast majority of Japanese intellectuals chose not to publicly criticize the Japanese government.


Because there were so many Japanese people in Manchuria at the time, many of the Chinese living there under Japanese rule had become familiar with the Japanese through local businesses, schools, and workplaces, and therefore they had a more nuanced view of the Japanese than those who had known them only as enemy soldiers.



skirmish 小衝突
impetuous 衝動的な
Zhang Zuolin 張 作霖(ちょう さくりん)
Zhang Xueliang, 張 学良(ちょう がくりょう)
garrison 守備隊
reverberated 反響を呼ぶ


Vogel, Ezra F. 2019. China and Japan: Facing History. Harvard University Press.