VogelのChina and Japan: Facing Historyを読み始める(その2)


Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, who became Japan’s minister of state in 1394, was acutely aware that the Ashikaga shoguns did not enjoy the widespread national support that the Kamakura shoguns (1185–1333) had enjoyed at their peak.

Vogel (2019)



shogunate 将軍職
Zhu Yuanzhang 朱 元璋(しゅ げんしょう)
Jurchen 女真(じょしん)
inscription 碑文
pilgrimages 巡礼
Zhu Xi 朱熹(しゅ き)
Kublai Khan フビライ・ハン
fortified 警備を固める
Yongle emperor 永楽帝
Xu Guangqi 徐光啓
avaricious 強欲な


Vogel, Ezra F. 2019. China and Japan: Facing History. Harvard University Press.